Lucky Shepherd is a design store in the heart of Budapest, own and established by Ms. Gabo Szerencses
(Lucky) & Ms. Dora Juhasz
This editorial was done as a special story for their 2nd birthday and it is presenting a day in the life of Miss Lucky Sheperd and also products from all the designers of the store.
Miss Lucky Shepherd is a perfect representation of the shop's style - timelessly elegant and stylish but with a fine touch of quirkiness and sense of humor.
Concept / Art Direction / Photography / Gifs - Milica Mrvic
Styling / Props - Lucky Shepherd team
Miss Lucky Shepherd - Mariann Kacziba
Sheep -
Gulyás Andrea, Varga Alexandra, Kupeczki Nóra, Szerencses Gabo
Hair & Make-up - Melcsi Somodi
Postproduction - Milica Mrvic, Hruska Dora
Photography assistant: Flanek Peter
Lucky Shepherd designers: Arnóczy Janka, By Asy, Camou, Drenkrom, Gabo Szerencses, Inventino, Juhasz Dora, Király Fanni, Madmé, Paperreka, Szerencsés Gabo, Zemse